Wednesday, November 13, 2013



We also pause to remember our former friends and coworkers:
(Alphabetical by last name:)

Former Officer David Adams
Retired Officer Virginia Adams
Retired Sergeant Harley Adams
Retired Reserve Officer Dave Aguilar
Officer Tom "Wings" Alexander
Retired Officer Jim Aligo
Retired Secretary Doreen Amburgy
Retired Sergeant Andy Anderson
Retired Sr. Police Data Spec. Beverly "Jill" Anderson
Retired Officer Frank Ankenbauer
Retired Officer Dick Anthony
Retired Captain Joe Azzarello
Retired Reserve Officer George Argall
Dispatcher Teresa Arruda
Lieutenant Cecil Ayer
Retired Sergeant Bill Bailey
Retired Sergeant Buck Ballard
Retired Officer Gordon Ballard, Sr.
Retired Sergeant Jim Barnett
Retired Officer Ernie Barozzi
Retired Lieutenant Terry Bauleke
Lieutenant Arnold "Arnie" Bertotti
Retired Sergeant Curt Bishop
Retired Sergeant Tony "Ants" Biskup
Retired Sergeant Don Black
Retired Police Chief John N. Black
Retired Police Chief J.R "Ray" Blackmore
Retired Sergeant Terry Blackwood
Officer John Bledsoe
Retired Officer Bill "Curly" Bond
Retired Sergeant Ron Bondi
Retired Officer Richard Boone
Retired Officer Bud Bosque
Retired Officer Harold Bounds
Retired Sergeant Curt Brandt
Officer Delia "Dede" Bravo-Carney
Retired Sergeant Dave Brickell
Retired Officer Richard "Rocky" Bridges
Retired Police Records Clerk II Wanda Brooks
Retired Captain Bill Brown
Retired Sergeant Gene Brown
Former Officer Phil Brown
Retired Police Chief William Brown
Retired Officer Gordon Bruce
Retired Sergeant Ralph Brune
Sergeant John Buck
Officer John Buck, Jr.
Former Officer Runyon A. Buckalew
Retired Sergeant Lloyd Buffington
Former Typist Clerk II Betty Burk
Retired Sergeant Chuck Burde
Retired Sergeant Bobby Burroughs
Retired Dispatcher George Burton
Retired Officer Wilbert "Ed" Bush
Officer John Cahill
Officer Mike Caldarulo
Retired Officer Johnny Calderon
Retired Sergeant Bill Campbell
Retired Analyst Kathy Campbell
Retired Officer Art Campos
Former Officer Dan Campos
Retired Assistant Chief George Cannell
Retired Senior Dispatcher Alice Cano
Retired Sergeant John Canuel
Retired Sergeant Charles "Charlie" Cardona
Retired Records Clerk Velma Cardona
Retired Officer Gilbert "Bulldog" Cardoza
Former Fiscal Officer Bob Carlsen
Retired Sergeant George Carter
Retired Assistant Chief Joel Carter
Retired Sergeant Glen Castlio
Former Sergeant Hal Chapman
Retired Alviso Chief Pat Chew
Former Officer Steve Chesley
Police Data Specialist II Rosemarie Christensen
Retired Captain Bob Cleary
Retired Reserve Chief George Cochern
Retired Chief of Detectives Bart Collins
Former Officer Billy Collins
Retired Lieutenant John "Jack" Collins
Retired Sergeant Anthony "Tony" Colón
Retired Dispatcher Jimmy Compton
Retired Sergeant Joe Conversa
Police Data Spec. II Marilyn Cordes
Retired Sergeant Jim Cornelius
Sergeant Julian Covill
Retired Police Data Specialist Lillie Cox
Retired Officer Andy Crawford
Retired Officer Bill Creamer
Retired Reserve Officer Chuck Crowell
Officer Alejandro “Alex” Cruise
Retired Officer Betty Cunningham
Retired Officer Marvin "Marv" Curtiss
Retired Sergeant Larry Darr
Retired Officer Don Davis
Retired Senior Identification Officer Pete DeLuca
Retired Deputy Chief Don "D.O." DeMers
Retired Deputy Chief Howard Donald
Retired I.D. Technician Peggy Donald
Assistant Police Chief Ross Donald
Retired Sergeant Ron Dowling
Retired Officer Bob Duffy
Officer John Duncan
Retired Sergeant Leo Dunn
Officer Pete Dupont
Retired Sergeant George Dwyer
Retired Sergeant Hugo Edes
Supervising Public Safety Disp. & Res. Dep. Chief Stan Edwards
Retired Reserve Officer Phil "Duke" Ellington
Retired Officer Paul Elorreaga
Former Sergeant Bob Emerson
Retired School Crossing Guard Winnie Emerson
Retired Officer Lou Emery
Retired Sergeant Jim Emmons
Retired Officer Walt Emery
Retired Officer Anton "Rich" Erickson
Sergeant Gerald "Gerry" (and Carroll Ann) Erickson
Retired Officer Richard "Dick" Erickson
Retired Sergeant Joe Escobar
Retired Sergeant Dave "Porkchop" Evans
Former Officer Mitch Fagan
Officer Joe Falcao
Retired Sergeant Roy Farley
Retired Lieutenant Bob Fazio
Former Legal Adviser and Reserve Officer Royce Fincher
Retired Officer Roger Finton
Retired Sergeant Fred Flesner
Retired Comm. Supervisor Beatrice "Bea" Fletcher
Officer Bill Fletcher
Retired Reserve Officer Robert Flinn
Retired Police Records Clerk Maxine Fontes
Officer Tom Fowler
Retired Typist Clerk II Frances Franco
Retired Airport Officer Ross Frantz
Retired Officer Don Franzino
Retired Reserve Officer Glenn Fudge
Sergeant Gordon Fujino
Retired Secretary Sally Funkhouser
Retired Sergeant Walt Gadsby
Retired Dispatcher Claire Gallagher
Retired Data Specialist Marietta Games
Sergeant Paul "Beans" Ganshirt
Senior Account Clerk Darleen Garman
Former Reserve Officer Ray Garringer
Retired Sergeant Roy Garringer
Retired Messenger Clerk Salli Gathers
School Crossing Guard Jan Gephart
Retired Sergeant Ken Geppert
Retired Sergeant Hans "Westgate" Gerdts
Retired Lieutenant Bill Gergurich
Former Officer Cliff Gerlach
Retired Police Records Clerk Nina Gillette
Retired Officer Will Givin
Retired Senior Office Specialist Fran Goff
Former Crime Data Analyst Mara Graves
Retired Officer Ray Gray
Retired Secretary Ruth Grayson
Retired Captain Leon Green
Retired Captain John Guerin
Retired Sergeant Mike Guerin
Retired Sergeant Pete Guerin (Sr.)
Retired Sergeant Lovell Guptill
Retired Sergeant Stan Hall
Retired Captain Lewis "Lew" Haller
Retired Police Records Clerk Betty Hanson
Retired Lieutenant Stan Hardman
Retired Dispatcher Ken Harness
VOLT Volunteer Bob Harris
Officer Marty Harris
Officer Tom (and Judy) Harris
Retired Captain Charles Hartell
Retired Officer Joe Haslemann
Retired Officer Jim Healy
Retired Sergeant Al Heiken
Retired Sergeant Jim Hellam
Retired Deputy Chief Eusevio "Ike" Hernandez
Retired Lieutenant Kenny Herrmann
Retired Policewoman Janet Hickey
Retired Typist Clerk Rae Hildebrand
Retired Lieutenant Art Hilscher
Retired Dispatcher Betty Hixon
Retired Sergeant Jim Hober
Retired Sergeant Fred Hoffman
Retired Officer Vern Hoffman
Retired Officer Chuck Hogate
Retired Captain Mel Hornbeck
Former Sergeant Howard Hornbuckle
Retired Assistant Police Chief Stan Horton
Sergeant Steve Howard
Officer Art Huckabay
Retired Captain Lyle Hunt
Former Police Woman Eunice (Long) Huntwork
VOLT Volunteer Diana Hurst
Officer Ray Ireland
Retired Police Data Spec. II Shirley Louise Jackson
Retired Senior Analyst George Jacobson
Former Sergeant John Jaeger
Retired Sergeant Merle Johns
Former Reserve Officer Alfred "AJ" Johnson
Retired Captain Tom "TJ" Johnson
Officer James "Tim" Jones
Retired Sergeant Ken Jordan
Retired I.D. Technician Betty Keiser
Officer Keith Kelley
Senior Police Records Clerk Verna Kennelly
Former Officer Mahlon Kent
Former Sergeant Gus Kettman
Retired Sergeant Don Kidder
Retired Secretary Bernice King
Retired Officer Steve Kirkendall
Retired Deputy Chief Elmer Klein
Retired Analyst II Dick Kleiner
Retired Officer Dick Knell
Sergeant Ted Korth
Retired Officer Vic Kosik
Airport Officer Dick Kountz
Retired Lieutenant Floyd Kuehnis
Retired Photographer John Lancaster
Retired Officer Ken Lanch
Officer Carter (and Marsha) Langdon
Officer Jim "Red Dog" Larson
Former Officer Jerry Law
Retired Sergeant Ray "The Deacon" Lee
Former Officer Larry LeFall
Retired Dispatcher Ralph Libby
Officer Charles "Chuck" Lintern
Retired Sergeant Bob Lira
Retired Sergeant Dave Longaker
Account Clerk II Marion Lopaus
Retired Officer Dan Lopez
Retired Officer Herman Lorenz
Retired Officer Mike Lowry
Former Officer Dave Luna
Retired School Crossing Guard Johanna Machado
Retired Sergeant Bill Maddox
Public Safety Dispatcher II Keao Mai
Former Reserve Officer Tim Malley
Typist Clerk II Beth Malnburg
Retired Sergeant Jim Manthey
Sergeant Elliott "Tiny" Mars
Former Sergeant Floyd Marshall
Retired Sergeant Jay Martin
Retired Dispatcher Jean Martin
Reserve Officer Pete Martin
Retired Airport and Reserve Officer Bob Marotz
School Crossing Guard Eleanor Maruca
Retired Disp. Thaddeus "Tedd" Casimer Matusiewicz
Retired Officer William Mauldin
Senior Police Data Specialist Frances McCabe
Retired Captain E. Dale McCay
Retired Sergeant O.D. McClinnan
Retired Sergeant Earl McClure
Former Officer Garth McCormick
Retired Lieutenant Glenn McCourtie
Sergeant Mark McDaniel
Retired Deputy Chief Ed McKay
Retired Deputy Chief Bill McKenzie
Former Officer Brian McNamara
Police Property Specialist Tarr Mehary
Retired Officer Bob Meheula
Retired Lieutenant Lloyd Meister
Lieutenant Ed Melz
Retired Office Specialist II Chris Mendoza
Senior Police Records Clerk Shirley Merrill
Retired Sergeant Liz Michaelsen
Retired Sergeant Art Miller
Retired Officer Dorothy Miller
Retired Sergeant Herb Miller
Retired Sergeant Jess Miller
Former Officer Steve Miller
Former Sergeant Carl Mills
Officer Jose "Joe" Molina
Retired Sergeant Charles "Chuck" Molosky
Retired Officer Ann Moore
Retired Lieutenant. Bruce "Blue Eyes" Moore
Retired Sergeant Don "Santa Clara Sam" Moore
Retired Assistant Policewoman Sharon Moore
Officer Rogelio "Roger" Moreno
Retired Exec. Admin. Secretary Bonnie Morganthaler
Retired. Chief Dispatcher Ron Morrill
Retired Police Records Clerk Ruth Morrison
Retired Dispatcher Antoinette "Fi Fi" Morse
Retired Officer Ken Morss
Retired Officer James Morton
Retired Sergeant Gene Moss
Retired Sgt. John Mosunic
Retired Officer Fred "Moon" Mullins
Retired Officer Pat Murphy
Retired Sergeant Charles Murray
Retired Chief Communications Dispatch Ron Murrell
Retired Chief Dispatcher Hank Murtha
Retired Officer Len Myers
Retired Sergeant Tom Nagengast
Retired Typist Clerk II Amy Nagareda
VOLT Volunteer Marynell Naughton
Retired Officer Annie (Hally) Navin
Former Officer Glen Neece
Former Crime Prevention Spec. Marlin "Cotton" Neufeld
Retired Sergeant Rex Newburn
Reserve Officer Jack Nichols
Retired Police Data Specialist Helene Norman
Officer Alvey "Al" North
Retired Dispatcher Linda Norwood
Former Reserve Officer Terry O'Connell
Former Officer Tommy O'Connell
Retired Sergeant Dexter O'Day
Retired Officer James O'Day
Retired Dispatcher Ed "Radio Ed" Oiseth, Sr.
Retired Secretary Carolyn Page
Retired Police Records Clerk II Phyllis Papa
Former Officer David Parbst
Retired Officer John Patrick
Former Sergeant John Percival
Retired Sergeant John Periman
Retired Lieutenant Fred Petersen
Retired Dispatcher Shirley Petersen
Retired Steno Clerk Carole Peterson
Retired Sergeant Courtney "Court" Peterson
Former Sergeant Arthur "Art" Philpot
Retired Officer Joe Pinkston
Retired Police Data Specialist Betty Poe
Retired Sergeant Bill Poelle
Retired Lieutenant Dave Pollock
Retired Typist Clerk II Charlene Poole
Retired Captain Eddie Pracna
Retired Officer Dante "Dan" Provasi
Park Ranger Todd Quick
Retired Typist Clerk II Phyllis Quirley
Former Officer William Radunich
Retired Officer Frank Rafferty
Retired Sergeant Lloyd Ralston
Retired Officer Anthony "Tony" Ranada
Retired Latent Print Supervisor Ken Raney
Retired Secretary Pauline Rasmussen
Retired Sergeant Hal Ratliff
Senior Steno Clerk Constance Ravenstein
Retired Police Data Spec. II Carlotta Redmond
Sergeant Richard "Rich" Reyes
Retired Sergeant Jack Richards
Retired Officer Ed Ricketts
Retired Office Specialist Clara "Marie" Roberts
Retired Records Supervisor Maggie Roe
Retired Officer Chad "Coach" Rolston
Retired Lieutenant Steve Ronco
Retired Police Data Spec. II Dolores Rosamond
Retired Officer Dennis Rosario
Officer Miguel "Mike" Rosas
Retired Officer Tony Russo
Retired Identification Officer Bernice Sadler
Officer Juan Salcido
Retired Officer Dwight Salsbury
Retired Police Records Supervisor Connie Sandoval
Retired Officer David Sandoval
Retired Lieutenant Greg Sargent
Retired Latent Print Examiner Vic Sartin
Former Officer Ray Saunders
Retired Officer Charles "Charlie" Schaefer
Retired Identification Technician Frances Schotenheimer
Retired Police Data Specialist Elsie Schrull
Retired Officer Herman Schwandt
Retired Captain Tom Scribner
Retired Sergeant Garyn Scott
Former Officer Ed Sekaquaptewa
Retired P/T Typist Clerk II Regina Sellarole
Records Clerk Gretta Shannon
Sergeant Chris (and Lynn) Shimek
Retired Captain Tom Short
Retired Officer Paul Shuman
Retired Sergeant Bob Silfvast
Retired Senior Police Records Clerk Ruth Silverstein
Retired Sergeant Bob Sims
Retired Dispatcher Ethel Sims
Former Dispatcher Jim Slater
Retired Police Data Specialst II Charlotte Smith
Retired Property Specialist Justin Smith
Retired Sergeant Ron Smith
Retired Lieutenant Ken Stagg
Retired Police Data Specialist II Dorothy Stang
Retired Assistant Policewoman Clarice "Tawny" Stelzer
Retired Officer Mario Stefanini
Retired Officer Dave (Watry) Stengel
Retired Sergeant Joe Stewart
Former Officer LeMoine "Lee" Stille
Retired Dispatcher Howard Stout
Retired Deputy Chief Larry Stuefloten
Retired Sergeant Marc Sturdivant
Retired Juvenile Sergeant Stella Sullivan
Director of Communications Lyman Swan
Garage Attendant Frank Sypert
Retired Lieutenant Larry Tambellini
Retired Officer Frank Tanner
Retired Dispatcher Jim Terra
Retired Lieutenant Jim Terry
Lieutenant Larry Thannisch
Former Sergeant Steve Thatcher
Reserve Captain Cal Thomas
Retired Secretary Nadine Thompson
Former Reserve Lieutenant Greg Thul
Former Officer Forrest Tittle
Retired Reserve Sergeant Sixto "Toby" Tobias
Retired Sergeant Harold "Hal" Toussaint
Retired Dispatcher Ron Townsend
Account Clerk Pauline Trevisano
Former Officer Mitch Ucovich
Clerk Typist Marlene Uyehara
Dispatcher and Reserve Officer Tom Vanderpriem
Former Reserve Officer Ron Tsukomoto
Retired Sergeant Mike Van Dyck
Lieutenant Ernie Vasquez
Retired Reserve Captain James "Jim" Vinson Sr.
Retired Reserve Deputy Chief Julio Viola
Retired Officer Joe Vittoe
Retired Secretary Alice Wagner
Retired Sergeant Seymour "Sy" Wakeman
Retired Officer Maury Warner
Retired Sergent Bob Warrick
Retired Sergeant Lloyd Warthan
Former Officer Vern Watson
Officer Carl Watt (and Wife)
Retired Officer Rich Weiser
Retired Sergeant Bill Wells, Sr.
Retired Lieutenant Merlin "Wheat" Wheatley
Retired Officer Fred Whitley
Retired Garage Attendant Freddie "3-Wheeler" Whitmarsh
Retired Officer Leroy Widman
Retired Sergeant Ron Williams
Former Sergeant John Willis
Retired Lieutenant Jack Wilson
Retired Secretary Maxine Wilson
Former Sergeant Frank Winkler
Retired Officer Bill Wiskel
Retired Sergeant Bill Wittmann
Retired Sergeant Doug Wright
Former Officer William "Sharpshooter" Young


Morris Van Dyck Hubbard

John Buck

John Covalesk

Richard Huerta

Robert White

Henry Bunch

Bob Wirht

Gordon Silva

Gene Simpson

Desmond Casey

Jeffrey Fontana

Friday, November 08, 2013


Son of Santa Cruz and WW II Hero, Joe Armanini has passed away. This his Remembrance as it appeared in the SC Sentinel:
        On a beautiful, clear, warm October afternoon, unexpectedly and peacefully, with son Scott at his side, Joe Armanini soared into the Heavens at the young age of 97 after a day of laughing, joking, watching the baseball playoffs and a golf tournament on tv with family members - and flirting with nurses at San Ramon Regional Medical Center where he had just begun tests for low blood pressure. Active and vibrant to the very last moment, it was as if an angel's breath gently touched his candle's flame.
Dad will always be remembered for his kind heart, warm smile and world-famous gnocchi, suck-bone chicken and Manhattans. A Mason for nearly 60 years, dad attributed his long life to a combination of good genes, regular exercise, moderation in food and drink, a positive outlook, thirst for knowledge, and hard work.
Dad had a truly blessed life, growing up in Carmel Valley and Santa Cruz in the 1920s and 30s where his father was an entrepreneur (founding the Montebello Winery in San Francisco), rancher and artichoke farmer (Sea Mist). He played football for Santa Cruz High School and San Mateo Junior College, where he was elected class president, until a scholarship lured him east to Dartmouth College in Hanover, New Hampshire, playing Defensive and Offensive Tackle on Earl "Red" Blaik's ("You've Got to Pay the Price") teams of 1938 and 1939.
After graduating with honors in 1940, earning a degree in romance languages, dad returned to Santa Cruz, working for Bank of America in Pacific Grove before volunteering for the Army Air Corps in 1941 where he served as Lead Bombardier for the 100th Bombardment Group ("The Bloody Hundredth"), stationed at Thorpe Abbotts, England. After flying 25 missions, he reenlisted for a second tour of duty, retiring at the end of the war as a Major.
In 2009, he was interviewed for the History Channel's documentary, "WW2 in HD: The Air War". Dad had no idea that the producer would select his experiences (alongside fellow 100th Bombardment Group B-17 pilot John Gibbons, fighter pilot Steve Paisanos and journalist Andy Rooney) to help tell the story, and was embarrassed by all the attention. Dad always said that the real heroes never came home.
Dad married his sweetheart and life partner of 50 years, Victoria, of Santa Cruz and Davenport, and moved to El Cerrito - and, later, Rancho Palos Verdes - where they raised two children, Scott and Laurel.
He worked for Bank of America in San Francisco for nearly 20 years before joining BofA buddy Andy Regalia at Kjell Qvale's British Motor Car Distributors (BMCD) where dad held sales and operations positions, retiring after nearly 30 years as Executive Vice President, Marketing.
After mom passed in 1999, dad continued living in their home - surrounded by wonderful, loving neighbors - until 2011 when he stopped driving and moved to San Ramon to live with Scott, Teri and grandsons Jefferson and Kellen. We were incredibly fortunate to have two incredible years with dad.
Throughout their lives, dad and mom always made time for the most important things: Family and friends. They taught us about the importance of getting a good education and hard work, being good citizens, helping others, and saving for a rainy day. Whether it was teaching us to play the piano, cook, fish, garden, save money and balance a checkbook, or play golf, develop our passions for learning and reading, helping with homework, Cub Scout and Camp Fire Girl projects, school plays, coaching Little League, and learning how to establish lifelong relationships with customers, dad and mom were always there to share their many talents and experiences. Both loved to cook, laugh, sing, and enjoyed comedy, crosswords and karaoke.
Dad is survived by children Scott (Teri) of San Ramon and Laurel (John) Tronolone of Rancho Palos Verdes; grandchildren Jefferson and Kellen Armanini of San Ramon, and Lindsey, Richard and Paige Andersen of Rancho Palos Verdes; nieces Lynn (Cal) Ponzini of Aptos and Valerie Reed of Scotts Valley; nephews Doug (Faith) Armanini of Wailuku, Maui and Michael (Cory) Engelking of Santa Cruz; grandnephew and grandniece Christopher and Bianca Armanini of Wailuku, Maui; grandniece Jessica (Tony) Warner and their children Chelsea, Aaron and Dillan; grandnephew Zachary Sterns of Seattle, Washington; daughter-in-law Debra (James) Bierwagen and their children Daniel and Rosie of Chicago Park, California; daughter-in-law Laurie (Thom) Anderson and daughter Ali of Huntsville, Alabama; and many cousins in Spain and Italy.
Waiting for dad in Heaven were his wife, Victoria (Ferrari De Luca) Armanini; mother and father Francesca Barrutia Armanini Colavizza and Isidoro Armanini; step-father Nello Colavizza; mother-and-fathers-in-law Eva Ferrari De Luca Tabacco, Victor De Luca and Ernest Tabacco; brothers and sisters-in-law Edward "Eddie" (Marian) Armanini and Hugo "Googs" (Helen) Armanini; step-brother Mario Armanini; sisters-in-law Lorraine (Les) Bongiovanni, Dolores (John Zanella, Edward Koontz, and long-time companion Al Ebert) and her twin sister Dorothy; brother-in-law-and-sister in law Eddie and Sandria Nelson; cousins Andone and Inkai Arano, Louis Ferrari, and Louis and Florence Knafla; nephews Melvin Silva and Errol Zanella; and grandnephew Gary Zanella.
In lieu of flowers we ask that you please consider making a donation to the 100th Bombardment Group Foundation (, or the Davenport Resource Service Center (