Thursday, July 27, 2006


July 27, 2006. La Nostra Costa Blog has been created . As many of you already know my book "La Nostra Costa" (Our Coast) is the story of the Italian immigrants who settled on the North Coast of Santa Cruz, located about 75 miles south of San Francisco, California. Although this is an historical account of my family's journey to and from the Coast, it is written in an narrative form, describing how a young boy growing up, saw certain historical events develop before his eyes.

This is an intial entry. More details about the book will follow. La Nostra Costa (Our Coast) by Ivano Franco Comelli, is published by Authorhouse Publishers, and is available on line at , or by phone at 1-888-280-7715. In the Santa Cruz Area it is available at the Agnus Dei Christian Book Store, at 138 Walnut Avenue, Santa Cruz, Telephone 1-831-457-2636 and the Capitola-Cafe Bookstore on 41st Avenue in Capitola,1-831-462-4415


  1. The above is just a start. I will be publishing comments and memories of the coast as I have received them from view. Hopefully, we can expand on the contents of "La Nostra Costa. Ivn

  2. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Nice start Ivan...........let me know how it goes....

  3. As usual my very good friend Mike (zzzzz) is the first to participate in our new venture. Learn more about Mike and his Gang by going to pages 321-323 of "La Nostra Costa". ivn0

  4. Diane; That couldn't be the School house that is still there at the bottom of "Gianone Hill? Every time I visit the Swanton Valley It reminds me of my father's near death experience at the bottom of "Gianone Hill" (page 355). Also of young Johnny Modolo and his untimely death (page 356). I received a letter from RoseMarie Giannandrea, who was related to the Modolos. I will be posting excerpts from it very soon. ivn0

  5. Diane responded to my comments above: "My aunt taught at the old school. The house my mom lived in is the one on Swanton Road that now Cal Poly has with all the railroad stuff that Al Smith built before he died. I will go to my other computer and hopefully can send you pictures. I also can scan some of my old Davenport pictures I have (collected) over time just in case at some point we can post pictures. My two uncles were Gene&Dave Terrini; they all lived there and my mother's maid of honor was Buddie Poletti Costell and bridesmaid was Mary Bella from the old hotel. It goes on & on. It will be fun!!!"

    Yes it will be fun Diane. ivn0

  6. Anonymous6:05 PM

    Hi IVan
    A lady, by the name of Angela Polley from Sebastopol, called me. Her father and mother were John and Mary DeMattei. Mary was the cook at Laguna in 1934 and John was the Inn Keeper. This was about the time that the big Italian picnics were so popular.
    Their oldest daughters were Eleanor, Dorothy and Evelyn. In 1934, a son, Anthony was born probably at the Inn. I gave her your cell phone number and she will be calling you. But, I thought the people on your blog might know something about these people.
    Another person, from New York State, also called asking about John Mirtello, an inn keeper in early Davenport and also a constable. Time was around 1910. I think he was involved in the Hotel d'Italia before Micossi.
    Your fame is spreading. The above people are buying your book from Amazon.
    Alverda Orlando

  7. Hi IVan
    A lady, by the name of Angela Polley from Sebastopol, called me. Her father and mother were John and Mary DeMattei. Mary was the cook at Laguna in 1934 and John was the Inn Keeper. This was about the time that the big Italian picnics were so popular.
    Their oldest daughters were Eleanor, Dorothy and Evelyn. In 1934, a son, Anthony was born probably at the Inn. I gave her your cell phone number and she will be calling you. But, I thought the people on your blog might know something about these people.
    Another person, from New York State, also called asking about John Mirtello, an inn keeper in early Davenport and also a constable. Time was around 1910. I think he was involved in the Hotel d'Italia before Micossi.
    Your fame is spreading. The above people are buying your book from Amazon.
    Alverda Orlando

  8. Yes Alverda: Angela Polley (DeMatti) did call me yesterday. It is always gratifying to hear from new people who have links to "La Costa". If any one has information about her family please let us know. I have given her the Lnostra-costa link. ivn0

  9. Anonymous6:47 PM

    Ivano,I read all the good comments last night, and today I vill tray the Blog again.I look up the meaning of the word Nimis and you were right, it means:"Bosco".In Latin:"Nemas Castrum". Castrum means: Roman Dominion or Territory.
    Now I will click on-Other- and hope this time you'll get this message.Ciao per ora. Lina

  10. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Hi Ivan
    I was in Davenport today. The new Mexican restaurant is called La Costa. I wonder if the owners read your book.
    The cement company book on Davenport is in its last corrections. We should be seeing the finished master piece soon.
    I always like reading your letters. Yeah! set up a blog.

