I have arranged for a 'La Nostra Costa" book signing event with Jim Cochron (owner-manger) at the Swanton Berry Farm, at Swanton Rd and Hwy 1 (just north of Davenport). The date is Saturday, October 14 from 1pm to ???.
In the old days the Berry Farm used to be known as 'Il Rancho Grande' (the 'Bigga Ranch'). My father, "Bronco" worked there when he first came over from Italy. A picture of "Bronco "with a group of 'Amici della Costa" hangs on the wall of what used to be the 'Bigga Ranch' cookahousa.
Jim and I want this to me more than just a book signing event. We would like it to be more in the tradition of the old gatherings favored by the Ranceri and Amici della Costa. Jim and his staff plan to serve food. Maybe even some recipes favored by the rancere at the old 'cookahouse (LNC: Chapter 8, "La Cuoca" [The Cook]). However if you wish to bring a picnic basket, feel free to do so.
This should be a great day (maybe even 'paradisaical') filled with family fun and good old fashion nostalgia. With some encouragement the "Old Rancere" (he says he is going to be there)may even sing a chorus or two of "Quel Mazzolin di Fiori" . What a way to relive those memories of yesteryear ',-----walking the fields on a real rancio su per la costa.
Again, the date is Saturday, October 14, from 1 pm to ??. Please put this on your calendar. I will post a reminder as we get closer to the date. Website for the farm is: www.swantonberry.com .
Added note: I have just learned that Cathy Brovia, the widow of Joe "Pino" Brovia, Pacific Coast Baseball League Hall of Famer (LNC: Chapter 11) and famous "figlio della costa" has had by-pass surgery. She is now at the Convalescence Hospital on Fredrick Street in Santa Cruz. Get well soon Cathy. I need you to be at "La Nostra Costa Day" on the
"Bigga Ranch"
'Con un Bacin d'mor', Ivano della Costa
Sunday, August 13, 2006
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I was just talking to Peter McGettigan. He suggests we replay your interview the weekend of your Swanton Berry Farm book signing. And call the Sentinel and let them know of the book signing and the TV interview. What do you think of that idea.
Another idea: when you are book signing there should be behind you several eisels with photos of coastal activities. Jim Cochran has a display at the farm and we could bring in some of the big photos that are in the cement plant hospital.
IFC:Great ideas Alverda. We are going to work on them.
Buon giorno!
I'm so happy that you are having the "Book Signing" at Il Rancho Grande. It is most appropriate for you to do this.
By the way, to have an accordian that day would be the ultimate. We could sing a few songs.
I will talk to many to be there. I'm going to try to get Gloria Comelli to come from Hayward and also the Cuciz gang from Milpitas. Also, we must try to get Rita DelPiero to come, I'm sure you remember her.
Take care, ciao
IFC: Thanks Thelma. A Gathereing of "Amici della Costa" with an accordian would be the ultimate "peeka-nica".
I put Oct. 14th in my planner; I'll bring my
camera; which reminds me, I am still going to get those photos to you soon
from the last book signing. Just been swamped. My agologies.
Ciao for now. Marvino (P.S. There is a remote possibility we might be
away on a trip around that time; I'll try to work around it. If for some
reason I can't make it, I'll let you know right away.)
IFC: Cancel that trip. "La Nostra Costa" day at the "Bigga Ranch" wouldn't be the same without you. You have to much family history going for you up in that area.
Ivano, I went to see Andrew yesterday at Cabrillo.The play was great!
You should have been there too...To support the family successes .I check at the library about the book.They told me that it was out at the moment,they will call me as soon as it comes in.Talk to you later.Lina
IFC: My Aunt Lina, is talking about Andrew Roubal, the Great-Grandson of Bronco and Valentina. His parents Christine and Louis live in Santa Cruz, as does John and Donna Comelli, the proud Grand-parents.
Hi Ivano,
What a pleasant surprise to get an e-mail from you. I'm still in the process of reading your book, which I can't even begin to tell you how many childhood memories it brings back to me. I wasn't raised up the coast, but right on Soquel Ave. next to the Ford Agency. My parents knew everyone up the coast and were really close friends with many of them, so I remember going visiting with them as a child.
My dad, Salvatore Petroni was used by many of the Ranceri to "insacca' il maiale". He was an expert at making prosciutto, salame, coppa, salsiccia, medzina, biroldo, etc.
The Ramaciotti's who lived at the gulch were good friends. In fact my parents went to Italy with them for a visit I believe in 1959 "by ship".
I was wondering if you happen to remember an uncle of mine who worked at the Gulch? His name was Armando Bandoni. I can still remember the old barn and the cookahouse.
My grandson, Richard, almost 21 is really interested in family history and hopefully he can get the 30th off so he can meet you. I've been sharing different incidences from your book with him that have brought back memories.
Gino and Angie Rossi are good friends and recently Gino was telling Richard stories about " Carabiniere" and the tricks Gino and his brothers would play on him. Really bad! At least I'm pretty sure it was him as he was described as "really big". When he told me, I found that part of the book where you referred to him and read it. I can still remember my dad referring to Carabineire, Bronco and others They never said their real names but had nicknames for everybody.
The October get-together sounds wonderful. I don't know if I'll be able to make it. Unfortunately, I've had Multiple Sclerosis for about 30 years and my legs are not good.
Thank you so much for writing the book. It has brought me so much pleasure and remembrance in reading it. I have and still am enjoying it . I just love all the "Americanized-Italian" sayings.
Hope to see you on the 30th.
Anna (Ann)
Ciao Ivano,
Some time when you write to Anna Orsolini, ask her if she remembers playing "rimpiattarella" (hide and seek) with me at our house on Bay Street. (circa 1940)
Her uncle Armando Bandoni was a great friend of ours. I think I told you about him, his offering me chewing gum whenever he came, his green Dodge coupe, etc.
Cathy Brovia was extremely helpful to me when writing the Chapter "Pino Brovia" in the book. At her home in Santa Cruz she has a wealth of pictures and information on the famous "Davenport Destroyer". She has been relentless in her efforts to keep the memory of her late husband alive. Our prayers are with you Cathy. See you at the book signing. ivn0
IVANO To your credit you have opened PANDORA's BOX of wonderful, memories of many people who are coming out of the wood-work ,to enjoy
for a few brief moments when we were young ,and pain free.
Such as the story of Anna Orsolini who can't wait to come to the book signing even though her health isn't so good. Those PRECIOUS picnics at Laguna food in abundance,
good old wine flowing in every glass along with GRAPPA, so strong that it would evaporate the juices in your stomach. It was pepole
just enjoying each each other, but the greatest was enjoying the
FRIENDSHIP. We were all poor but we were RICH in many other ways
IVANO To your credit you have opened PANDORA's BOX of wonderful, memories of many people who are coming out of the wood-work ,to enjoy
for a few brief moments when we were young ,and pain free.
Such as the story of Anna Orsolini who can't wait to come to the book signing even though her health isn't so good. Those PRECIOUS picnics at Laguna food in abundance,
good old wine flowing in every glass along with GRAPPA, so strong that it would evaporate the juices in your stomach. It was pepole
just enjoying each each other, but the greatest was enjoying the
FRIENDSHIP. We were all poor but we were RICH in many other ways
Hello Ivan,
I've been receiving your newsletters from my sister Kay Ballock. I do have your book, and do enjoy all the "ole-time" memories from the late 40's and 50's. We arrived in California in 1948 from Kansas. We landed in Glenwood, lived at the old yellowbank dairy, and became very familiar with the coast road. My Father-in-law (Dale Davenport) worked at the cement plant, as did my husband Lloyd. We have many happy memories of those days, and remember some of the contents of your book.
We would love to be at the book signing and will make every attempt to be there Oct. 14th. Put me in your addredd book.
Sincerely Pat and Lloyd Davenport
IFC: I would love to see you all at "La Nostra Costa Day" at the Swanton Berry Farm on Oct. 14. With a name of Davenport how could you not be there. If Kay comes along you two sisters can re-visit some of your old haunts "su per la costa". ivn0
Caro Ivano:
Il libro e bellissimo!!!!! Am so proud of your work and that I am part of this wonderful endeavor of yours. What a beautiful job – be ever so proud – we need more people like you. You just can’t imagine how much I love the book and our history and that you did such a tremendous amount of beautiful work.
I bought a soft and hard copy and have received both of them. Are you working on doing a book signing – maybe at Capitola Book Café and Bookshop Santa Cruz??!! Definitely at all the Italo-American events of this year we have to have you speak and have copies to be shown.
Al took it to the CHP breakfast last Thursday and Don Silva wants to order a copy as well as another patrolman wants to order one for his friend who is a history buff…(of our area).
Mi piasce molto il libro – molto bello
A presto - Norma
IFC: I'm working on those book signing's, Norma. Hope to see you at the Swanton Berry Farm on Oct.14. ivn0
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