
Drove up the coast (la costa) the other day with an “American” friend. We drove down by the red, white and blue beach on the way home. You probably know that it is for sale – would love to buy it. The present owner has closed down the nudie beach – all chained up.
It consists of l70 acres and he is selling by owner for (are you sitting down?) …………$45,000.000.00 !!!!!! Want to go in on it……we’ll probably need few more partners!!! I know you guys used to party up there.
I spent a lot of time with Katie (Scaroni) and her brothers and helped her clean her house, etc. So many great stories – would you be interested in my doing a little story on them for the Blagga? (LNC: You bet Norma. Bring it on.)
Photo above: 'La Norma' with husband Al Wilson and your 'Gran Blaggatore' taken at Agnus Dei Book Store book signing event, downtown Santa Cruz, June 2006
As I write in "La Nostra Costa"(pgs 250-51), my college school buddies and I used to stage some great beach parties here. Katie Scaroni was the "gate keeper". You had to get through her to get to the best beach 'su per la costa". She would stand in the doorway of her house and watch us come in and then would 'count heads' on our way out. In this way she could assure herself that we had all survived. ivno
Say it isn't so LaNorma. Is the 'Nudie Beach' going to be chained up forever and ever?? I can remember my boyfriend and I walking the beach,the ocean surf 'lapping' onto our bare feet and the gentle coastal winds caressing our naked bodies. Such wonderful memories. Carrie
Carrie: It's great that you have all those memories about the "Nudie Beach". BUT,PLEASE,PLEASE, NO NAMES.
Oh no, Gran Blaggatore. I would never do that to my 'bello' Carrie
Nix Carolina, or what ever your name is. I think I saw you there. You said that your name was Carol. You were with a girl friend and you wore your bathing suit all the time you were there. Its time to tell the truth. BTW: Your girl friend was "hot" --you were not.
Well, you must have seen me during my first visit to the beach. I was very shy then. But after my breast enhancement surgery and a slight "tummy tuck" I felt quite comfortable taking my bathing suit off. My 'bello' thought I was quite "HOT". Now Mr. Polenta Head, or what ever YOUR name is: Did you ever make those obviously necessary anatomical corrections???
BTW: I prefer to be called "Carrie" now. CC
Carrie: I remember you from our High School Days. I thought you "very-very HOT". Especially when you walked around campus with your white boots and red mini-skirt.
I also remember that Polenta-Head guy. I had sixth period gym with him. I know what you meant when you referred to his obvious 'anatomical mperfections'.
Thank you Sam. You're sweet. We shouldn't be so hard on Pat Polenta-Head. By now everything should have "dropped into place". cc
What does all this have to do with the "Nudie Beach" being sold, anyway.
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