NOW THAT I HAVE YOUR ATTENTION-----don’t forget Ivano’s Researchers Anonymous presentation at the Santa Cruz Museum of Art and History, next Saturday, October 11, from 10:00 AM to 12:00 N. The Museum is located at 705 Front Street in downtown Santa Cruz, telephone number 831-429-1964
This time around, Ivano in his guise as the ‘Old Rancere’ will recount how it was growing up ‘su per la costa’ in a cloud of dust and the smell of PATTUME.. Hope to see you all there (wink- wink) fellow Six-Packers.
Ivano holding a model of the infamous
'Rubber Gun', used in gunfights on the
Rodoni Ranch "su per la costa".
Did Sarah Palin have a make-over.
She is beautiful. By the way when I lived on the coastal ranches, my brother and I used to shoot rubber guns at the cows grazing. This would usually stampede them into returning to the barn. My father would get real mad at us. Said that it apoiled their milk. Spoiled milk or not it was a lot of fun. Carrie
Carrie: In her book "Little Heathens", author Mildred Armstrong Kalish, describe how she and her brothers did the same thing (shoot at cows with their rubber guns)while growing up on a Iowa farm during the Depression years. Her book (a best seller) is very similar to "La Nostra Costa" however, she describes her life growing up in a non-Italian Family. Very similar to the life Cathy Brovia describes in her article for the Blagga. ivno
Mi sembra notevole, ma cosa ne pensa Mildred?
piace anche a lei?
a presto. Lucia
In regards to the above comment by my cousin Lucia in Italy, I lead her to believe that the gal in the photo was my new secretary (wink-wink.) Translating her Italian comment: "She is very beautiful. But what does Mildred (my wife) think about her? Does she like her too. See you soon Lucia
Hey! They stole our new cover!!!!!!! :)
I think she has a future!
Rob DeFeo is the Publisher and Editor of 'In Buona Salute' the premier Italian Magazine. I intend to do a "Blagga" Article on the Mag shortly. In the meantime their website is: www.saluteitalianmagazine.com. I Highly recommend it. ivno
are you intimating, Kap, that Gov. Sarah will or might be there? Now I KNOW I'll definitely be there!!!! Even though I like Cheney, and I know not too many do, this would definitely be a big, big step UP!!!!
I know, I know, dream on, Kernel, dream on!!!!
See you Sat. KK
Kernel: You missed the 'WINK-WINK'. And yes by all means dream on. The Kaptan
Received the following comment from my cousin Ferruccio Dri, owner and manager of Club Romandolo in Italia.
È molto attraente ma non fa vincere il tuo candidato alla Presidenza
(She is very attractive; however, she will not make your canditate for President win.)
Ivano says: Ferruccio: That's why she has applied for the job to be my secretary in chief.
So that’s why you spend so much time in the office !!!!
(Larry is the manager-in-chief of the Guglielmo Wine Tasting Room,etc. at the Guglielmo Winery in Morgan Hill. He also goes by the name of Lorenzo Spivachi.)
Yo Ivano,
I like your decorations. Wish the date of your talk was a little different - I'll be in town Oct 18-28, operating a shavola without a license.
Ivano: Tu secretaria.. e Furlana?
To anon Furlana: No lo credo.... forsi di basa Italia. ivn
(I don't believe so, .... maybe from southern Italy.)
That is so clever with what has been done to put her head on that tiny body, and clever what you have done with it as well.
I wish you well with your presentation and very sorry I cannot come to Santa Cruz that day. I don't get there very often I am sorry to say.
Best. Kay
I object to your showing of the Sarah Palin cover on your blog.
She is not qualified to be a heart beat away for the President of the United States
I object to your showing of the Sarah Palin cover on your blog.
She is not qualified to be a heart beat away for the President of the United States
Subject: Great to See Your Presentation
Thanks for the invitation, it was great to see you in action. Nancy and I have seen you on TV several times, nothing beats the real thing. I am attaching a rather badly scanned photo graph of myself and Carlene Modena daughter of Mrs and Mrs Charles Modena of the Coast Road. Photo was taken in 1961 at their residence on Dimeo Lane. Charlene is a successful Fine Artist and educator living on the coast above San Francisco. You didn't know I also have connections to the La Nostra Costa.
Again, great to see you say HI to Mildred. Lets do lunch.
Walter Young
(Walter Young, who e-mailed the above comment, was my neighgor in Scotts Valley for twenty years. He still lives at the same address. ivno)
Thanks Walt and thanks for the photo. So what happen between you and the pretty Modina girl? Didn't she like your crew cut??
I should do an article on the Modinas. Charlie's wife was a Dimeo. Her sister was Margret Dimeo Fambrini . Her brother was Fred Dimeo. I write about the Fambrini Family and Fred Dimeo (who was a great friend to my Uncle Joe Gemignani)in the book. I also have two great photos of Fred with my uncle, in the book.
I visited the Modinas last year. They still live in the same place (on Dimeo Lane). Their house was originally the Dimeo Ranch Cookhouse. Before Dimeo Lane became Dimeo Lane, it was known to us as "La Strada del Dompo" (The Dump Road), since it ended at the City Dump.
Charlie, who is in his early 90s, proceeded to tell me all the stuff I got wrong in the book. After he finished criticizing me, I said to him, "Well Charlie, at least you read my book." His answer, "Oh no, I haven't read the book, I just heard about it."
Knowing the Modinas for so long, I had a good laugh at that one. Needless to say I left them a copy of the book. Unknown if they read it.
Yes need to make it for lunch. Maybe your neighbor across the way, Marvin Del Chiaro (my old college roommate) can join us. Will make him pay.
Again thanks for being there (at the Presentation). I usually go for about 40 minutes. You guys kept me going for 1 hr and 40 minutes. See you soon. ivn0
Subject: soooooooooooo
how did it go & how many books did you sell?
(I think it was) A very successful presentation. I was suppose to go for 40 minutes; the group kept me going for 1 hour and 40 minutes. Sorry, you missed it.
Fortunately, (perhaps unfortunately for the Museum) most of the people there had already purchased the book (not all were Italian either) and were there to listen to me re-create the events that they had read about (my fans).
The most important part is that the Museum Staff seemed to be very pleased with my presentation and they are now carrying the book. I think along the way, tourist who will be visiting the Museum may buy the book. Any way I was happy with the way things went. Sempre Avanti. Ivano
Hi Ivan,
Your presentation was very entertaining and I'm glad I went. Forty minutes would be too short, that's for sure. I think for those women sitting in front of me it was a trip down memory lane. It's no wonder they keep coming back.
(Bill Cleveland,another one of my College Roomates is married to Marcie [Williams] a Santa Cruz High School, class of '55 Grad. Bill is also a SCHS Class of '56 Grad. Bill always liked 'older' good looking women.
Thanks Bill for attending my presentation. I enjoyed having you there very much. Let's have lunch real soon, maybe at Harry's Hofbrau. You Pay. ivn
Ivano: I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed your presentation. You were so animated and you made your stories come to life. And I loved your singing. It brought back great memories for me.
I wanted to come up and have you sign my book but I thought you would be too dissappointed in me, after hearing all those stories (some true and others not)about me.
Still, I won't have missed it for the world. Please keep on doing what you are doing. You were wonderful. Loved your outfit with the hat and shavola. Carrie
Hi Ivano,
If you have Sarah at your next talk I'll come to that one too (but I won't vote for her.)
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