Thursday, January 26, 2012


IVANO SAYS: The "La Nostra Costa Story" as I wrote it was mostly about the Italian influence in Agriculture "su per la costa".. However, there were other Italian farmers that did not farm 'up the coast'. They farmed the sea and the Wharf in Santa Cruz was their home. Barbara Silva sent me the below historical clip she found on youtube. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did. Reuniting with "Amici della costa" (friends of the coast) was (is) always a pleasure. Thank you Babara.

"Clicca" here to view tape:

Painting of Ghio Boat by Gino Campioni.


  1. What a treat! Thanks for the link to that amazing video about the fishermen of Santa Cruz and their

    A coincidence? Just a couple of days ago I was remembering my earlier days and especially the
    Carniglia family. My mother and I used to take a walk each year at about this time of year, to visit
    Mary Carniglia who lived on the West side of Bay Street, a few blocks from Cliff Drive, less than
    a mile from our house.

    Mary used to prepare the income tax return for my parents, and did a very
    careful and correct job of it. She was much appreciated.

    Victor and Virgil Carniglia were boys at Bay View Elementary School when I was there. (1941-1946)
    I think Victor was 2 years older than me, and Virgil 1 year.

    It was also good to see Malio J. Stagnaro, who used to be the “Voice of Santa Cruz” on radio KSCO.
    He gave the fishing and boating reports regularly. I think he was also the owner of the “Sea Stag II”,
    that fabulous speed boat, which (I think) was made from a converted Navy PT boat. If I remember
    right, it had twin Packard engines and seating for perhaps 20 passengers. It sounded a loud siren
    each time it departed for a thrill ride on the bay, reaching speeds of 35 miles per hour. It also
    warned swimmers with the siren at each return. We could hear that siren from our house every
    Summer weekend.

    Thanks again for this interesting video, and best wishes to you and yours. Gino Campioni

  2. Hey Ivano ,

    I enjoyed reading Gino's memories
    about the Santa Cruz fishermen . It really is the heart of Santa Cruz history, in every way ,the Stanagro's , the Ghio's and of
    course the WHARF . I went to school with the Carningia boys Victor and Virgil , in

    the 3rd grade at Holy Cross school , (where I flunked the 3rd grade) . Every night when I watch the news (on ch 7 ABC ) on the weather report, they show a view of the SANTA CRUZ Wharf. It really
    brings back a lot of memories for me . Thanks for the memories Ivano e Gino. RENO CANTARUTTI
