Every time I read your blog, I get the appetite for Brussels sprouts.
Here is a picture of what I fixed my wife for dinner tonight. The Brussels sprouts, (which I discovered while growing up in the Los Gatos / Santa Cruz area), are first boiled for about 8 minutes and then, just before serving, sauteed very shortly with mandarin oranges and juice, and a few pine nuts. The polenta has sun dried tomatoes, garlic, (that recipe comes from my first wife, a wonderful Italian girl from Paso Robles). The Abbacchio, or young lamb, comes from here in the Texas Hill Country.
Not bad for a kid named Jones, huh?
Buon Appetito, Russ
Mr. Jones; My mouth is watering as I write this. It looks simply delightful. Now, I suggest, a glass of that "vino organico" that the Gran Blaggatore keeps talking about to go with this meal and then after the main meal, a piece, or two of that torta ala becky. Yes, yes. I've talked myself into it. I'm going to try this when my "bello" comes over this weekend. I can hardly wait. Thank you so much for the recipe. And my condolence to your first wife. Carrie
I thought the only elements of cusine of interest to Cops, was the direction to the nearest Doughnut Shop. Officer Jones you certainly dispelled that notion.
Russ: That is a great recipe. However, for a bachelor like me it's a bit too much messing for just one meal. Now, I have come up with a recipe for spaghetti sause that is well suited for bachelors and will serve for seveal meals.. I call it Coltivita's Unique Spaghetti Sauce For You (CUSS4U).
I love the flavor of BBQ Burgers. I use mesquite flavored charcoal. When I BBQ I aways BBQ a couple extra burgers. I then throw them in the ice box for a couple of days. Then I get the good old "croc" pot out
and pour in a jar of good old Classico Spaghetti Sauce (meatless kind.) I add a few cloves of garlic and a handful of chopped onions. I then retrieve the BBQ hamburgers from the ice box. I break them up in big chunks and add to the sauce. I "croc" all this for a couple of hours on low heat. Just before turning off I add a half water glass of red wine (the other half I drink.) I then put all this in the ice box and let it cool down. That evening or the next day I have this unique BBQ flavored spaghetti sauce. Just reheat and serve over your favorite pasta. (I prefer linguini because it slips nice and easy between the teeth.) Best of all, everytime you reheat the sauce it tastes even better. So here's to CUSS4U. Try it!! You'll like it. Buon Giorno JC
Johnny: I think you and Carolina Cariola aught to get together. I tasted her CUSS4U (Carrie's Unusually Soupy Sauce for You). I think she remembered the Classico all right, but forgot everything else She needs you help.
As for Russ's recipe,I'll take the polenta and the lamp and you can have the 'sprouzzi".
No way Mr. Anonymous. Your not fooling anybody. Your that Pat Polenta-head guy. You just don't want the Gran Blaggatore to get on you again.
Now listen here.... I don't even know who you are Polenta-head, so how could you have tasted my spaghetti sauce.
I'll have you know that I served it to each one of my 'bellos" and they all liked it very much, thank you.
For your information I will try Johnny's recipe. It sounds very tasty, especially after adding the wine. Now, get off my case, or I will hit you over the head with that 'lamp' you like so much. CC
Carrie: No e mia culpa, this time.
That's someone else who tasted your sauce. Probably one of your 'bellos' And stop calling me 'Polenta-head' P/P
Russ: Look what I found on google search engine. Your 'Sprouzzi' recipe is going around the World. ivn
Not bad for a kid named Jones, huh? Buon Appetito, Russ. Labels: general.
posted by Ivano Franco Comelli @ 2:38 PM 8 comments ...
http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/07/sprouzzi-ala-jounzzi.html - Cached
Amazing, I'll have to send in another one...
GB: Maybe I should put the recipe that Johnny Coltivita sent in. Bachelors around the World would be please. Or maybe just Carolina Cariola. ivn
Ciao Ivano,
......here is a recipe. Once in a while I like to try to cook something like my mother used to make. Sometime the results are un disastro. Other times, like today's they are OK.
Cavolo Strascinato (1)
Heat some olive oil in a pan and lightly simmer some garlic and meat. I used an Italian pork sausage, without the casing. (2)
Add tomato sauce and mushrooms. (I used a can of stems and pieces) Flavor with pepper, nutmeg, Italian herbs, and whatever you like.
Meanwhile,steam some cabbage in the microwave until it is
limp.(3) Dump the cabbage into the sauce, and stir and let it simmer a few minutes.
By all reports, this turned out to be good. Almost as good as Ada used to make.(4)
1. Pronounced, "CA volo stra she NAH toe"
Means: "bedraggled cabbage"
Quantities don't matter. Just balance the amount of cabbage and sauce to come out approximately even.
2. My mother Ada (Berti) Campioni used round steak, which she ground with a hand meat grinder, that I still use.
3. Ada never heard of a microwave, nor even a rotary can opener.
4. As you know, I live alone, so nobody will complain about the "reports".
If you are brave enough to try this, let me know how you like it. Did Valentina make anything similar?
This is very quick to fix, and hard for me not to eat all at once. I did save a bit for another day.
Saluti, Gino
Gino: Yes Valentino did make "Il Cavallo al Diavolo" using the red tomato sauce. Johnny Coltivita will love this recipe. Perfect for bachelors. BTW: What kind of "reports" are you talking about ?? Some of these cavollo/sprouzzi recipes are pretty powerful. ivno
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