La Nostra Costa Blog is in its Fifth year. As we enter the New Year, the 'Old Rancere' thought it would be appropriate to list some past articles that may be of interest to new readers of the "blagga" and perhaps to others, offer an opportunity to review them . To retrieve :
The "Blagga's" first year was 2006. (Coincidentally, "La Nostra Costa" (Our Coast) was published in 2006):August 2, 2006 - CARABINIERE - "THE GHOST WHO WALKED" - A story about one of Davenport's most legendary characters and the mystery of what might have happened to him after his death.
Aug 8, 2006 - HUGO'S LETTER- Hugo Bianchini of Monterey, gives his best review of "La Nostra Costa" and links it to his own personal experiences growing up in a different locale.
Sep 6,2006 - THE RANCERE's LAMENT - BY RITA (FRANCESCHINI) GIANNADREA- Rita, who grew up "su per la costa" captures the true essence of the "Rancere's Lament", as it appears in "La Nostra Costa. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2006/09/essence-of-ranceres-lament.htmlAugust 10, 2006 - IL FAMOSO BAFFI - A short bio of Guglielmo 'Baffi" Campioni by his son Gino Campioni - Describes the life and times of one of the most colorful ranchers "su per la costa".
Sep 4,2006 - A WHITE SPORTS COAT AND A PINK CARNATION - Carol (Costella) Swartz
remembers Santa Cruz and a certain fellow who went out with her sister Pat. A very charming story. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2006/11/white-sport-coat-and-pink-carnation.html
Oct 23, 2006 - FIGLIO DI SANTA CROCE LEN KLEMPNAUER- Len describes the efforts of his German American Family as they establish themselves in Santa Cruz. Not too surprisingly
they were very similar to those experienced by the Italian immigrants. htmlcosta.blogspot.com/2006/10/figlio-di-santa-croce-len-klempnauer.html
Nov 5, 2006 - FROM SANTA RADICCHIO TO SANTA ROSA- What starts out as a discussion of Chiogga Beets and Radicchio turns out to be a very interesting story of Italian World War II prisoners who settled in Santa Rosa. www.nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2006/11/from-santa-radicchio-to-santa-rosa.html
Nov 11, 2006 - PETE PIANAVILLA VS FORREST McDERMOTT - The story of a colorful coastal "poacher" and a zealous Game Warden who confront each other "su per la costa". www.nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2006/11/pete-pianavilla-vs-forrest-mcdermott.html
Nov 21 and 27 2006 - FIGLIA DELLA COSTA NORMA (DINELLI) WILSON PART I AND PART II - The story of a little girl growing up 'su per la costa".
Dec 4, 2006 - FIGLIO DELLA COSTA LIEUTENANT ATTILIO JOSEPH DOGLIOTTI REMEMBERED - A remembrance of one 0f the first Santa Cruzans of Italian descent to be killed in World War II. www.nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2006/12/figlio-della-costa-lieutenant-attilio.html

Dec 13, 2006 - DISASTRI DI SANTA CROCE - Robert Lemmon Jr. remembers certain disasters that befell Santa Cruz and request further info on same. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2006/12/disastros-di-santa-croce.htmlcosta.blogspot.com/2006/12/disastros-di-santa-croce.html
The following articles were published in 2007 :March 22, 2007 - GINO'S OFFICIAL ITANGLISH DICTIONARY - Gino Campioni spent a considerable amount of time composing this dictionary of "Italianized" words. One of the "Blaggas" most favorite publications. http://www.nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/03/ginos-official-itanglish-dictionary.htmldictionary.htmlofficial-itanglish-dictionary.html
June 23, 2007 - AMICA DELLA COSTA CATHY BROVIA - REMEMBERS - Cathy tells the story of growing up in a small town in Minnesota during hard times. www.nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/06/amica-della-costa-cathy-brovia.html
July 4, 2007 - PRIMO CARNERA - FIGLIO DEL FRIULI - A short Bio by Doriano Degano of
Primo Carnera, former Heavyweight Champion of the World and a fan favorite "su per la costs". www.nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/07/figlio-del-friuli-primo-carnera.html
July 12, 2007 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY FIGLIO DELLA COSTA - MARVIN DEL CHIARO - Marvin celebrates his 70th birthday with a bio of his family who lived and worked "su per la costa". www.nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/07/happy-birthday-figlio-della-costa.htmlJuly 26, 2007 - SPROUZZI ALA JOUNZZI - Russ Jones a former San Jose Police Officer recalls some boyhood memories of Hwy 17 and Santa Cruz. He also sends along a recipe for one of his favorite dishes featuring Brussel Sprouts. His follow up article on January 21, 2008 - SPROUZZI ALLA JOUNZZI 2 - features his favorite recipe for Osso Buco (w/Brussel Sprouts)
and much more. Buono Appitito . www.nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/07/sprouzzi-ala-jounzzi.html
July 30, 2007 - COLLISION COURSE: THE DELUCCA ACCIDENT - A dissertation by Ivano Comelli as to how one of the worse traffic accidents in Davenport history happened and how it might have been avoided.
August 5, 2007 - RICHARD HUERTA - FALLEN OFFICER - REMEMBERED - A remembrance by Ivano Comelli regarding his best friend, San Jose Police Officer Richard Huerta, killed in the line of duty Aug. 6, 1970. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/08/fallen-officer-richard-huerta.html
August 28, 2007 - "LA STORIA DI ADA" BY GINO CAMPIONI - Gino tells the story of his beloved mother Ada (Berti) Campioni. Ada and her husband 'Baffi' lived in Santa Cruz for many years. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/04/la-storia-di-ada-by-gino-campioni.htmlOct 1, 2007 - RAMANDOLO/NIMIS/FRIULI CON FOTOS - Prof. Derrill Kerrick and wife Kathy send us some interesting photos taken during their trip to Friuli. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/10/ramandolonimisfriuli-con-fotos.htmlcosta.blogspot.com/2007/10/ramandolonimisfriuli-con-fotos.html
Oct 5, 2007 - FIGLI DELLA COSTA - SUPREME SACRIFICE - A remembrance of Amadeo Lucchesi and Atilio Dogliotti who were killed in World War II. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/10/figlio-medeo-lucchesi-revisited.html
Oct 14, 2007 - LaNORMA: O DIO CHE TRENO LUNGO - A little girl's memories of the Old Train that used to travel to and from Santa Cruz and Davenport every day. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/10/lanorma-o-dio-che-treno-lungo.html
Nov 5, 2007 - LOU MORO: FURLAN, AMICO DELLA COSTA, AMERICAN - A remembrance of one of Santa Cruz's best loved man. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/11/lou-moro-furlan-amico-della-costa.html
Nov 17, 2007 - ITALIAN FAMILY NAMES - 'LA NOSTRA COSTA' - A list of family names associated with the 'La Nostra Costa' story compiled from memory by Gino Campioni and others. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/11/family-names-santa-cruz-la-costa.html

Dec 25, 2007 - HATCH MAP - THE 'OLD COAST ROAD - Bryan Robinson sends a copy of 1859 Hatch Map that depicts La Nostra Costa as it once was. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/12/hatch-map-old-coast-road.html

Dec 29, 2007 - DAVENPORT- A MOMENT IN TIME - A delightful story by Patty Morelli based on her memories growing up in Davenport in the 1940s -50s. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2007/12/davenport-moment-in-time.html
The Following articles were published in 2008:
Jan 5, 2008 - ADDIO MI BELLA GILDA- A remembrance of Gilda Stagnaro of Gilda's Restaurant, 0ne of the best known and best loved women of Santa Cruz. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/01/addio-mi-bella-gilda.html
Jan 9, 2008

LaNorma -recalls more of her memories including story's about the DMV in Santa Cruz. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/01/la-nostra-costa-thoughts-and.html

Feb 8, 2008 - THE FAMILY QUILICI BY NANCY (QUILICI) JACOBS - Nancy Jacobs writes a bio of her family who lived and worked on a ranch just north of Davenport. Nancy recalls some of her memories as a little girl growing up on that ranch. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/02/family-quilici-by-nancy-quilici-jacobs.htmlcosta.blogspot.com/2008/02/family-quilici-by-nancy-quilici-jacobs.html
Feb 20, 2008 - WELCOME GABRIELE CARMINE FALVO-CITRIGNO - Gabe tells us about his family who used to own the Napoli Cafe in San Jose. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/02/welcome-gabriele-carmine-falvo-citrigno.html

March 15, 2008 - AMICO DELLA COSTA: LUIGI 'MORO' DEGLI ESPOSTI - Roberto Degli Esposti writes a bio on his father 'Moro' Degli Esposti and tells the story of his family's immigration from Italy to "La Costa" shortly after World War II. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/03/amico-della-costa-luigi-moro-degli.html
April 21, 2008 - DAVEPORT JAIL: PHOTOS PLEASE - Alverda Orlando announces that the "Old Davenport Jail" is open for business (for tours, I mean). She requests old photos to display. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/04/davenport-jail-photos-please.html
May 30, 2008 - LaNORMA: MORE 'LA NOSTRA COSTA' FAMILY NAMES - LaNorma submits additional Italian names to augment Gino Campioni's original list. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/05/lanorma-more-la-nostra-costa-family.html
July 2, 2008 - THE STORY OF 'BONZO' DA DEERHEAD' - Patty Morelli subits a charming story of 'Bonzo' the deerhead that hung on the wall of Charlie Bella's Ocean View Hotel in Davenport . http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/07/story-of.html

July 20, 2008 - IL CAPITANO MICOSSI AND THE FUSARI FAMILY- Jolene Fusari sends us a bio (with photos) on the Fusari Family and La Nostra Costa's Frank Micossi whose mother, Rosina, was a Fusari. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/07/il-capitano-frank-micossi-and-fusari.html
Sept 6, 2008 - MAL OCCHIO BY LAWRENCE DISTASI- A bio of Prof. Lawrence Distasi, Project Director of "Una Storia Segreta", and a review of his book, "Mal Occhio" (The Evil Eye)http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/09/mal-occhio-by-lawrence-distasi.html
LaNorma submits a true story regarding a visit by the King of Jordon as told to her by Bakery employees. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2008/09/king-of-jordon-visits-whale-city-bakery.html

The following article were published in 2009:

Jan 27, 2009 - MRS. HELEN SONNEBORN'S CITIZENSHIP CLASS - 1945 - The re-production of an article appearing in the Santa Cruz Sentinel announcing the newly made US Citizens (including my mother, Valentina Comelli) of Santa Cruz County. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2009/01/mrs-helen-sonneborns-citizenship-class.html
April 7, 2009 - FIGHTING FURLANS OF WW II BY DORIANO DEGANO - A true story of bravery and hardships endured by Furlan and other Italian soldiers fighting for Italy during WW II. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2009/04/fighting-furlans-of-ww-ii-by-doriano.html
July 16, 2009 - NANNETTE MORGAN'S FAMILY STORY- Nannette writes a bio on her family including her own memories about growing up in Salinas, Ca. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2009/07/nannette-morgans-family-story.html
July 23, 2009 - AN OX'S TALE - ANON FURLAN - An amusing, yet true, story of a Furlan, his wife and two Oxen. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2009/07/oxs-tale-anon-furlana.html

Sep 2, 2009 - A 'LA NOSTRA COSTA' SOLDIERS STORY - NANCY JACOBS - A bio of Guliano Quilici (Nancy's brother) who served in the Pacific Theatre (including Iwo Jima) during WW II. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2009/09/la-nostra-costa-soldiers-story-nancy.html
Nov 6, 2009 - STORIES OF THE 'OLD COAST ROAD' BY LaNORMA - Once again LaNorma digs deep into her bag of memories to recall some amusing stories (some about the CHP) that occurred on the Coast Road. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2009/11/stories-of-old-coast-road-by-lanorma.html
Nov 16, 2009 - MICHAEL NANNA REMEMBERS SANTA CRUZ - A bio and boyhood memories of a former Santa Cruzan. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2009/11/michael-nanna-remembers-santa-cruz-2nd.html
Nov 28, 2009 -'PANE AMARAO' (BITTER BREAD) FOR THANKSGIVING - A synopsis and review of Gianfranco Norelli's documentary film about the struggles of early Italian immigrants upon their arrival in l'america. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2009/11/pane-amaro-bitter-bread-for.html
Dec 12, 2009 - COAST ROAD BLOG - The 'blagga' finds Anneliese Agren's new Coast Road Blog on the net: http://www.coastroad.wordpress.com/
The following articles were published in 2010:
March 3, 2010 - THE GREAT POLENTA CONTROVERSY - A re-print of Santa Cruz Sentinel columnist Donna Maurillo's article on 'quick and easy polenta'. This article caused great controversy among the 'traditional slow-cook' polenta lovers. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2010/03/great-polenta-controversy.html
July 18, 2010 - FIGHTING FURLANS (CONT'D) - BY RENO DI CISTERNIA - An incredible but true story of hardships faced by Italian soldiers fighting on the Russian Front during WW II. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2010/07/fighting-furlans-ii-by-reno-di.html
Aug 28, 2010 - LA NOSTRA COSTA DAYS REVIVAL - SPECIAL GUEST - LIDO CANATARUTTI - A bio on Figlio della Costa, and Director of the Italian Film Festival of Marin ( http://www.italianfilm.com/ ) who braved the rain all the way from San Raphael to be our very special guest at LNCD Revival II. Thanks again, Lido. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2010/08/la-nostra-costa-days-revival-speical.html
Sep 20, 2010 - AN AMERICAN STORY BY GINO CAMPIONI - A story of hardships faced by the Okamoto Family of Portland, Oregon under 'Enemy Alien' restrictions during WW II. http://nostra-costa.blogspot.com/2010/09/american-story-by-gino-campioni.html
IVANO SAYS (CONT'D): There are many others of course. To view all articles in the LNostra Costa archives, simply click on the year (right hand side of the blog page),
then scroll down the retrieved page. (You may have to click on "Older" at the bottom of the page to continue.) I want to thank everyone for submitting their aritcles - without a doubt -the reason for the 'blagga's" success. Sempre Avanti and Happy New Year.
BTW: You can also retrieve many articles pertaining to "La Nostra Costa" by "googling": la nostra costa blog
Hey Ivano ,
Have been reading your archives articles , and taking my time to
really absorb them because they bring back so many woderfull memories of
" LA NOSTRA COSTA " . What a HELL of a job you did to get all the stories together etc. RENO DI CISTERNA
You've done a great job, Ivano,
Sorry for my late response on this great piece you have prepared .. Peace to YOU and YOUR WONDERFUL FAMILY in 2011.
Thanks for the memories,
Norma (Cantarutti) Reiter
Oh my Ivano: I see that you just added one of my favorites to the list "A White Sports Coat and Pink Carnation". Those old photos remind me so much of my first prom.
My bello look a lot like that tall handsome boy in the photo. Oh, the thrill of it all. Carrie
Ivano: I found Hugo's letter most interesting and insightful. I must of missed it when you first publish it. Keep up the good work, and as you always say, Sempre Avanti. SS
Caro Ivano:
Grazie per i notizi. Noi due stiamo bene come si spera di te e la tua famiglia. Mi dispiace che non si poteva participare in Ottobre
al la tua festa. Spero nel futuro........ Tante belle cose, Ugo
Hey Ivano: I never laughed so much in my life when I read the
Itanglsh Dictionary. I remember my dear old Nonno using a lot of those words. They all made sense to us although we didn't know Italian real well. JC
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