On this date, April 23, 1977, my mother Valentina Bressani Comelli, age 64, died after a year long battle with cancer. Her “Journey To And From The North Coast of Santa Cruz” was over. Prior to her death, hard work, perseverance, and above all her unmitigated love for her two sons Giovanni Primo and Ivano Franco, granted her a life long dream; “a better life for John and me and consequently for our two families.”
The photograph above (from the ‘La Nostra Costa’ archives) was taken circa 1952. It shows my mother, Valentina on the right, and her very best friend, Andreina Rodoni in their “Sunday Bests”. My mother would have been 39 years old at the time the photo was taken.
The photograph above (from the ‘La Nostra Costa’ archives) was taken circa 1952. It shows my mother, Valentina on the right, and her very best friend, Andreina Rodoni in their “Sunday Bests”. My mother would have been 39 years old at the time the photo was taken.
When I published "La Nostra Costa",
Donna Rodoni took me to task for not including a picture of my mother with Andreina. (They do appear together in a group picture on page 317.)"They were so close that a picture of the two together should have been included", she asserted.
Digging deep into my archives I came up with the one just published on the "BLOG". In this picture they are much younger and they appear as they should be remembered, "Due belle 'sorelle' della costa". Donna, I hope I have made ammends. ivn0
Yes, Ivan, thank you very much on behalf of all the Rodoni family. DR
Ivan, that damn cancer is going to kill all of us. So far this year, we lost Jay (deBenedetti) and a former co-worker I had at National Semiconductor. It is truly a terrible disease. Jerry
LNC: Yes it is, Jerry. In the case of my mother, I thought that sixty-four was a young age to die. Then again, your father, Dino, was still in his 40s when this wretched disease took him back in 1955. You would think that by now we would have a cure. If Kennedy could successfully set a goal of going to the Moon by the end of a decade, why can't we as a nation set a goal of ridding us of cancer in the same time span. ivano
IVANO Read your remmberance thoughts , on VALENTINA . As I can picture her in front of me now, with that always smile on her face, and the wonderfull memories of her.All I can say there will never be another
Thanks Reno. I will always remember those trips to the Santa Cruz Beach in the old Carrettone with Valentina Driving and my brother,you, Lido and me riding along. ivano
Caro Ivano:
Missed you tremendously on Sunday nite for the “Pastures of
Plenty” presentation. Please let me know when Part Two will be
We definitely do not want to miss that. I brought Patty and her
Cousin Dana with me as Al could not come. Very good presentation.
Sandy Lydon and Geoffrey Dunn did a good job and Rachel was very
Professional and made everyone feel very important and a part of this
Tremendous project. As I said – we all missed you very much. I understand
Also want to comment on your compleanno on April l9 – Buon Compleanno!!
I did not realize your Mom passed away so close to your b’day. Really
Loved getting the foto of her and Andreina – two great ladies that are so much
Part of my memories. Also want to acknowledge you for honoring your Mom – it
Is a sign of a wonderful person – raised by a wonderful and respectful family.
I remember your Mom and Andreina looking like that – in fact that is what always
Is in my memory – first and foremost.
I apologize for not responding earlier to your e-mails. Again Buon Compleanno.
And keep up the tremendous correspondence. I feel so appreciative of all this that
Is going on (starting with your book) and now the blogga and all the correspondence
Of everyone from our past. What more could we ask for? We are very privileged and
Thank you again for starting this whole thing. Did you get down to the Library to see
Marion Pokriots display? We want to go back and take a foto of it for my album. Let
Me know if you have seen it and what you think. It is done well and it is great that she
(or you) put in Billy Rodoni’s foto.
Ciao per ora – scrive presto – Norma and Al too
LNC: Thanks for the kind words Norma. One of the last wishes of my mother was not to cross "Il Ultimo Ponte" on my birthday, or on my niece's (Christine)birthday a few days later. She was granted her wish and subsequently "crossed over" right in between our two birthdays.
If things go well, I plan to "inspect" the 'La Nostra Costa'
photo display next week. My best to Al. ivano
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